april 12

Students in grades 9-11 are participating in the SAT Suite of Assessments during the 2022-23 school year (PSAT 9, PSAT 10, and SAT 11). The SAT Suite of Assessments measures knowledge and skills that indicate readiness for college and career. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023, will be a school-wide testing day for these state-mandated assessments at the high school level. 

Upon completion of the assessments, all students in grades 7-11 will be dismissed for the day, and students will have the opportunity to receive a grab-n-go lunch option as they leave the building.

Galesburg Junior Senior High School will dismiss at 1:15 p.m. on Wednesday, April 12, 2023. Students will be provided with normal bus transportation as they would on a regular school attendance day.

The schedule for April 12, 2023, for all 7-12 students is as follows:

Seniors: Students in grade 12 do not test or attend school on this day. This day provides a good opportunity for them to prepare for next year’s transition to college or other post-secondary plans. On this day students could consider visiting a nearby college, volunteering in the community, or job shadowing at an area business. If you need ideas or help setting up an opportunity, please contact your student’s school counselor. If your student takes a non-GAVC course at Carl Sandburg College, they should still attend there on that day.

Juniors: The state of Illinois requires that all juniors take a school-day administered SAT with Essay as a requirement for high school graduation. The SAT is an official exam, and the scores are accepted by colleges and universities for admission and scholarships. Students should bring a calculator on test day. Students must be present in their assigned exam rooms at 7:40 a.m. Testing will conclude around 1:00 p.m.

Freshmen & Sophomores: Freshmen will take the PSAT 9, and sophomores will take the PSAT 10. These mandatory exams consist of tests in Reading, Math, and Writing & Language. The math test has two sections: one that permits a calculator and one that does not, so please bring a calculator on test day. Students must be present in their exam rooms at 7:40 a.m. Upon completion of the exam, students will stay in their testing areas and receive programming that is geared toward career and college exploration.

7th and 8th Grade: These students will attend their normal classes on an abbreviated schedule. Students will be made aware of any schedule changes in advance. It is expected that our 7th and 8th graders will provide an optimal testing environment, as their older peers created during the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR).

Students are reminded to get a good night’s sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and bring their student ID. Students who are testing should also bring several No. 2 pencils, and a calculator on April 12, 2023. 

Please note: Electronic devices including cell phones, smart watches, etc. as well as bags and backpacks are prohibited in the testing rooms. It is important that every student perform his/her best to provide the most accurate picture of their academic achievement and growth. Thank you for partnering with us to best meet your student’s educational needs! 

Please contact GJSHS if you have any questions or concerns at (309) 973-2001.