Grading Update

Skyward Grading Update for 7th & 8th Grade Students: 

First Quarter Report cards are available in Skyward Family Access. Please click on “Report Cards and Documents” to view your student(s) report card. 
If your student currently has a grade(s) that you are concerned about please take advantage of the upcoming parent/teacher conferences scheduled on October 27, 2022, and December 15, 2022.
You can schedule a conference by logging into Skyward and selecting “conferences”. If you need assistance please contact the main office at 309-973-2001.

Skyward Grading Update for 9th-12th Grade Students:

If you login into Skywardand select “Gradebook” for your student you will see the following categories for the first quarter:

MT1 (4.5 week progress report for the semester)

TM1 (9 week/mid-semester report)

MT2 (13 week progress report of the semester)

TM2 (End of the semester) 

FE1 (FE stands for Final Exam.  Not required in all classes)

S1-Final Semester grade (this grade is what’s reflected on your student’s transcript)

If you log in to Skyward and click “Report Cards and Documents” you will have report card options to view progress updates.  

If your student currently has a grade(s) that you are concerned about please take advantage of the upcoming parent/teacher conferences scheduled on October 27, 2022, and December 15, 2022.   To schedule a conference, please log in to Skyward and select “conferences” to select a class/teacher you would like to schedule a conference with. If you need assistance, please contact the main office at 309-973-2001. 

Please note:  On the semester grading schedule, classes are 18 weeks in length before a final grade is issued to the transcript.

If you are the parent/guardian(s) of a 7th-8th grade student this email does not apply to your student(s).