Foster’s Voice, Inc. was created by Kevin and Jamie Atwood, on July 30th, 2017, nine days after their son, Foster, died by suicide. He was only 19 years old. Foster’s Voice, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that understands suicide and mental illness do not discriminate and can affect any person.
Their mission is to end suicide and the stigma around mental illness by improving the conversations and creating awareness and hope.
The goals of Foster's Voice include teaching all participating students how to help themselves and fellow students with mental health problems as well as creating a safe place for all students to be heard and loved. Foster's Voice also is able to provide possible resources for all students who need them as well as give students the opportunity to be part of the meetings by leading and participating in different activities throughout the meeting.
The group at Galesburg Junior Senior High School is managed by James "Sully" Sullivan. According to Streaks After Hours Site Coordinator, Sara Gray, “We are so excited to have James “Sully” Sullivan leading our Foster’s Voice Program here at GJSHS. Sully’s passion for helping others, and providing a safe space for students is unparalleled. We are so lucky to have him here with us”
The program meets twice a month at Galesburg Junior Senior High School after school and is open to any 9-12th student.