Freshmen through Juniors will have school pictures taken on Thursday September 5 in the auditorium. Picture forms have been handed out and there are extra forms in the GHS main office. If you are ordering a picture package, please give the form and the money to the photographer when you get your picture taken.
over 5 years ago, Dan Powell
You're invited to join us for our first home football game this evening vs. Dunlap. The theme is Black Out. Freshmen start at 5, Varsity at 7:30. ⚡
over 5 years ago, Mindi Ritchie
Welcome to Streak nation!
Streak action
GAVC Culinary kiddos doing research on careers in the hospitality industry!
over 5 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
GAVC Culinary kiddos doing research on careers in the hospitality industry!
Thank you School House Express!
over 5 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
School House Express
Please join us for Open House this evening!
over 5 years ago, Mindi Ritchie
Open House Invitation